The Buddhist Retreat Centre Ixopo
Kwa Zulu Natal
With great delight we are sharing with you the news that we are hosting a beautiful retreat together with our dear friend Christel Andersen in
Kwa Zulu Natal at the amazing Buddhist Retreat Centre Ixopo from the 12- 14th July 2024.
See details below
and here is the link to the direct booking at Ixopo :
The Healing Power Of Music, Movement And Nature
Facillitators: Anja Gerbers and Harold Epstein and Christel Andersen,
Cost: 2 days accommodation + R600 surcharge
Dates: Friday 12 July 2024 - Sunday 14 July 2024
We invite you to a weekend of tuning your instrument (your body, heart and soul) through Sacred and Celebratory Music;
Meditation and Contemplation;
Morning Attunement through breath, voice and prayer accompanied by the beautiful harmonic sound of the monochord.
We will incorporate the following into the program:
Dances of Universal Peace and Song Circles
Chi Kung and Hatha Yoga (an elementary experience)
Goethean Nature Observation
GIM - Guided Imagery and Music Journey with art process
Guided Meditations and Toning (Tree of Life - Kabbalah
During the weekend we will spend time singing and dancing to sacred and celebratory songs and chants from various spiritual and universal traditions. No experience in dancing or singing is required. The Dances of Universal Peace are heart-focussed and acknowledge the presence of the divine in each person. There will be ample time to enjoy the peace and beauty in the extensive gardens of the Buddhist Retreat Centre. And the delicious meals are renowned at the BRC!
Join us at this very special gathering. It is in the shared experience of sound and silence which brings great peace and healing into our hearts and to the world.